Chellberg Farm
The Chellberg Farmhouse
Listen carefully...this house has a story to tell--a story of a hardworking, Swedish immigrant family who lived and worked here for three generations. As you take a virtual tour of the Chellberg farmhouse, let your imagination guide you. Imagine rising before the sun to begin the farm chores. Imagine coming in after a hard day's work to the welcoming aroma of a home-cooked dinner and lively Swedish conversation. Imagine living without the modern conveniences of electricity and indoor plumbing.
The Chellberg Farm represents a typical 1890 through 1910 Swedish and Northwestern Indiana farmstead. The brick farmhouse was built in 1885 as a replacement for an earlier wood-framed house that was destroyed by fire in December of 1884. The bricks for the new house came from a brickyard in nearby Porter. In the 1980s the National Park Service restored the farmhouse to its turn of the 20th century appearance, except for the dining room, which had been modified by the Chellbergs in the 1920s.