Glacier Basin Campground
Glacier Basin Campground will be closed next summer (the entire 2012 season)
due to a reconstruction project on Bear Lake Road.
Glacier Basin Campground (8500 ft), located on Bear Lake Road approximately six miles south of the Beaver Meadow Entrance Station has 150 sites. Accessible campsites are located in Loop B. Camping fee $20/site/night. Recreational vehicle and trailer length limit is 35 feet. Campsite checkout time is 10 AM.
Reservations for summer camping in Moraine Park (), Glacier Basin (), and Aspenglen () can be made up to six months in advance. For further information, call 888-448-1474. To make reservations call toll-free 877-444-6777 (International callers 518-885-3639). reservations are also available
Please go to Rocky Mountain Campgrounds, check at visitor centers, or call (970) 586-1206 for up-to-date information.
Campsite #33

Campsite # 35

Campsite # 60

Campsite # 61


Toilet in the restroom for accessible campsites

*Removal of Dead Trees
Park Staff are removing dead trees that have been killed by an outbreak of native pine beetles. The removal reduces risk associated with falling trees. Always be aware of your surroundings, particularly during times of high wind. Temporary closures may occur at campgrounds, picnic areas, and trailhead parking areas while trees are being removed.
Glacier Basin and Timber Creek Campgrounds look extremely different than they have in the past. Rocky Mountain National Park is just one relatively small area where trees are dying from the mountain pine beetle epidemic. Because the task is enormous, the park's priorities for mitigation of the effects of beetles are focused on removing hazard trees and hazard fuels tied to the protection of life and property. Timber Creek Campground sits in a lodgepole pine forest where the majority of trees have been killed by the beetle outbreak. Many trees in the campground and along the perimeter of the campground next to Trail Ridge Road were sprayed with Carbaryl over the past three years. However, the scale of the epidemic is enormous and it was not possible to protect all of the trees in the campground. Also, trees in lodgepole pine forests grow in dense, protected stands so even if a tree is alive it becomes hazardous if the dead trees around it are removed. A "lone" pine could likely topple with high winds.